Glam & Go Hair Salons

New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Washington DC


Hair Salon Design custom-made for a chain of Beautiful Blow-Out Bars!

This series of designs is a testament to the teamwork between Designer, CEO of the company, and a series of different contractors throughout the country. We had to be clear, prepared, efficient, and flexible able to work with many different construction teams... the results are gorgeous!

Glam & Go is a dynamic company that is geared toward helping the busy, fabulous, modern woman look her best every single day! Express Styling Salons offer washes and professional blow-outs in 15 or 30 minutes, and are located in high-end gyms and spas all around New York City, Miami, LA, and Washington DC.

Luxury partners like the Fairmont Hotels were the perfect match for this company and their customers.

Joe designed custom hair stations in high-gloss white laminate- complete with charging stations, cutom mirrors, and retail areas. Gorgeous and flattering lighting were chosen, so everybody looks their best, every day. Comfortable seating, luxurious wall treatments, great accessories and open displays were all necessary ingredients to help this successful company realize its vision.